
Welcome to my Blog !

Welcome one, welcome all!!!. My name is Q-wayne, but you can call me Q or qwizzie if preferred. I'm a Rapper,Songwriter,Lyricist and I'm am currently drifting in to Studio Engineering as we speak. I am Jamaican,humble, God fearing, yet jovial person, whose mission is to make great music,for the young, old and young at heart.
I've been introduced to music so long I feel I'm personally engaged to her.I am Independent as I am not signed to a label or recognized group, just childhood friends, who came together and formed BLACKRAIN, an entertainment group which consist of music loving peeps like myself. I hope you like my singles so far LALALA and SEARCHING, which are available for free downloads on various social ,and media networks. They are my first professional studio production , and pieces to my debut mixtape
THE HITLIST which will be released later this year. In the meanwhile enjoy my blogs, and become a fan to receive free specials,downloads and singles, plus a lifetime of great music from Q-wayne

Friday, March 4, 2011

Views on Religion & Life

I strongly believe people are entitled to there own beliefs,concepts and doctrines of God.This in no way states that I , Q-wayne , both the person and the artist , condone certain religious practices, such as idolatry, paganisms, etc, however i do respect, and show a level of gratitude, as I expect the same for these opposite persons.
I believe that without hardship,struggles, death, and hope, life would have no meaning. THINK ABOUT IT ?
What would life be like if everything was easy?,what would life be like without HOPE, are worse Death.
Wouldn't be quite depressing to live everyday for eternity, without having something to look forward  to, like the coming of Christ for instance.And last but no least,Struggles, how many fun or more rewarding would it be to go through life without it. Fact is a man who works nine to five to fulfill his dreams is more contented, than the guy who steals it, WHY? cuz when you struggle to make a thing work at the end , when all is good and well, you feel a sense of self-worth and happiness

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